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Nuns Launch Campaign Against Domestic Violence

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Friday, November 2nd, 2018
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 In a bid to end domestic violence in Kabarole District, nuns of the Holy Cross Sisters family Virika have initiated community debates to increase awareness about the vice.


The move has been prompted by the increasing cases of domestic violence in Karangura Sub-county, a challenge they say is hindering development in the area.

Rev sister Semerita Mbambu on Wednesday said domestic violence cases are common in low income families in the area.

“Poverty in families has been the cause of domestic violence. Some men want to drink alcohol the whole day and leave responsibilities to the women,” she said.

She revealed that the debates, which will be conducted monthly, will be held under the theme of good parenting and ending domestic violence. Rev Sister Mbambu said the debates will bring together men and women, religious leaders and other stake holders to share knowledge and experiences on causes and solutions to the vice.

She, however, called upon religious leaders to preach unity in homes and caution parents against marrying off their children before the age of 18.

“Among other things we are doing is; giving women capital for income generating activities,” she said.


 According to police reports, between 10 to 12 cases of domestic violence are reported every day from Karangura Sub-county.

The Kabarole District community liaisons officer, Mr Solomon Mugisa, said the lead cause of domestic violence is alcoholism among men.

“Men don’t want to work, they just wake up and start drinking and at the end they fight their wives because they need money from them to go and drink ,” he said.

The district councillor representing Karangura Sub-county, Mr Aaron Muhindo Byakutaaga, said women in his community have no control of their hard-earned money and are always battered when they refuse to give it to their husbands.

“Polygamous marriages have not only increased domestic violence but have also fueled early marriages,” he said.

According to Mr Byakutaaga, many men marry off their daughters when they are still young in order to get money for drinking.

He urged government to pass bylaws on alcohol consumption and gambling, so that the practices are regulated and residents are able to engage in productive activities.

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